Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thought at Midnight

When a divorced Christian talks about the sanctity of marriage and the kind of sacrificial love that couples need to give each other for their marriage to work, among other important things, how is she/he perceived? A hypocrite? Someone who makes others want to puke?

When someone who has had an abortion talks about the sanctity of life and calls herself pro-life, is she contradicting herself?

When someone who is abused and who severs the abusive relationship talks about love is a choice, should we despise her, because she doesn't practice what she preaches?

Lord, have mercy.

Life is full of tough choices for most people. Only in his mercy do we grow stronger. I need that mercy for myself, and I pray that he grant me the mercy for others who falter.

1 comment:

prpltrmpt said...

i like this post, ma!