我喜歡早上安靜的在廚房享受。我也喜歡夜深人靜的時候在書房享受。到底該早起晚睡、so I can have the best of both worlds, or to just go to bed at regular bedtime, and fear that I may lose something precious (what it is, I am not sure), has been a struggle all along. I then realized I was being greedy after all. It's about not wanting to accept the fact that I am only flesh and blood. It's refusal to believe that I am the created and have my limits. 晚上不肯睡的時候、通常都是白天很多事、又忙又累。照理應該趕快去睡覺、但是潛意識中大概頗不情願、好像時間是被人搶走的、現在好不容易可以有時間做點無壓力的事、豈可睡去、“浪費“大好時光!結果是早上起不來、過些時候、又開始懷念安靜的早上時間、也實在需要睡眠、早早去睡、早早起、心想、“早起多好。。。“
這樣的循環不知有多少、中間也有學乖投降的時候、早睡早起、精神好。但是過一陣子、又要貪玩不肯睡。我的神大概看著我猛搖頭、帶著愛憐的眼光看我、對我說、well, I don't need to say more.
How often we play games like this with ourselves. We know what's right but for the life of us, don't do what's right.
What's interesting to me, is 聖經說的“得力在乎平靜安穩。“ 壓力大的時候、其實是最不容易自律的時候。壓力大之後、人只想放鬆歇息、甚至indulge。自律最容易成功的時候、其實是我們一般狀況良好的時候。這有點像是在說、要有力就先得放鬆。但是聖經中豈不充滿這樣的paradox? 要得就先要失、要生就得先要死。
I thank the Lord, for he never loved me for a reason.
Dear Peggy,
What a woman, what a life!
When can I be like you :=)
A blog, to me, is to make your private diary public.
I have hard time by just thinking about that. Why do people want to expose themselves to totally strangers? What's the psychology behind it? Can you tell me?
Is a transparent person more healthy than a private one?
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