她說今晚下大雨。傍晚時分、李打電話來、說會晚點到。她告訴他若太晚太累、就不要來。來一下又要走、不值得。("not worth it" she said.) 幾番電話之後、他決定不來了。她生氣他。
我說、妳嘴裡說不要他來、體貼他累、其實心裡偷偷希望他還是堅持要來。那就是妳小小的夢。她笑說"I don't know..." 但聽的出來、心情已經好多了。但是一旦他真的接受了妳的好意不來了、妳的小小夢碎了、想哭也難怪。
她說、媽媽、妳說明天我該做half white, half whole wheat, 還是buckwheat的waffle 給他吃? I said I didn't know you had a waffle maker. She said, with pride, "that was the first gift he got me! That was even before he asked me to be his girlfriend." 我說他喜歡吃什麼waffle呢?做個他喜歡的吧。"媽媽、他真的是個很好的男朋友。“ 她說。我聽得出她已經原諒他。
她說、我要做half white and half wheat because that's what he likes. 我說“快去睡吧。睡醒他就來了。“
Good night, my baby. Have a nice waffle Saturday morning with the one you love.
I love you.
Your daughter is truly blessed by having you as her mom.
How many mothers are capable of turning tear into cheer in such a short time?
Dear ThinkTooMuch,
You know what, I just realized that you and my daughter , who happens to be a psychotherapist too (LCSW), share many similar traits, analytical is one of them.
Back in her much younger years, I remember clearly, she always asked me these questions—“I don’t want you to die, what am I going to do if you die?”
And my response was like, “why do you have to think so much? You’ll know what to do when the time comes.”
She was only 9 then and I was , of course, full of energy and far from dying!
She told me more than once that she wished she could be more like me—not thinking too much! 說漂亮點,是不鑽牛角尖。
Life is beautiful, to figure out why ,太傷腦筋了!
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