Saturday, March 27, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy (2)

I bought this from Taiwan.

The little flame brings me to far away places of mystery and dream. That's me.

I was quite surprised at the aroma the sunflower elixir gives out. I would drop 5 to 6 drops into the shallow dish, filled with water, and let it burn slowly. My whole room would smell very soft. I think it's quite amazing how a room can smell "soft"; a textile descriptive. But that's what I smell. :-)

In order to light the tea candle, I had to learn how to use a cigarette lighter. In the beginning, I would have sore and swollen thumb caused by futile attempts to roll the tiny wheel on top to ignite. I would switch to my left hand and wished I had been ambidexterous and because I am not, left thumb was no us at all. Now I am better at it, I can make the lighter work in a few tries, but am still learning how to hold the lighter at such an angle that it lights the candle, and not my thumb!

Quite amazed this little thing can bring me such joy.

1 comment:

prpltrmpt said...

amBIdexterous ! not exactly like amphibian :D