Thursday, April 8, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy (4)

早上遛完狗到院子愰一圈。愰著愰著就開始澆花。心裡想、完了。本來是要去運動的、花一澆下去、“強迫症“就會被引發、不澆完不會停、澆完就太晚、就不會去運動了。我身體裡這根神經自己很清楚、每當它被觸及的時候我也知道、引子一旦點燃、就順著引線一直燒、不燒到頭不能停。真奇怪。I am so aware of this internal activity, and I don't like it, but for the most part, I let it take charge of me. Awareness doesn't necessarily bring about change. Something more powerful is at work here. 追根究底、I think it's because I don't value going to the gym more than I value the time I spend, watering my flowers. Well, that's understandable though. The gym means hard work, sweat and 麻煩(maybe i am really really lazy because the only 麻煩is parking/locking the car and walking up to the gym. what 麻煩 is there??) but watering the flowers means pleasure... and pleasure and... pleasure.

My day doesn't start until I am done showering, and this morning, like all mornings, I decided to take care of 煩人的事first before I shower. That took a whole morning. Lunch was supposed to be at noon. I am very regular and pride myself with it. Besides, 肚子就是在十二點的時候會餓、it's not that I have to have lunch at noon. (Sounds like I was debating with someone.) 煩人的事took so much of my time!

As I sat down to have lunch, i was surprised by the butter I deliberately left on the table the day before (but forgot) and now was at room temperature. Butter knife cut through it with no resistance at all! I LOVE room temperature butter! I was too cheap and for more than once at Sur La Table, wanted to but didn't buy this little butter thingie that claims to keep butter soft. I thought of it again today. Maybe I will just buy it next time. If you value something, but don't spend time, or money on it, you are lying. I believe in that. Or I thought I did.

Room temperature butter!

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