Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Appreciating Life by Slowing Down

I appreciate how my body just works with me and I know if only I give it time, it will let me know its needs.  

I used to go to bed around 10:30 and would naturally wake up eight hours later.  I recently moved my bedtime to 11 and I found out that when I open my eyes in the morning, it's eight hours later at 7.  Yoko comes around that time to wake me up too.  I want to believe it's not her who has learned to allow me to rest for eight hours, but my own body is taking care of itself this way and I just happen to notice this kind of things.

But if you don't have the luxury, for an extended period of time, to not be against some time constraint, you probably will not find out what your body prefers and needs.

I used to have lunch around noon so around that time I will get hungry.  For about 3 years now, my lunchtime has been pushed back to 2 in the afternoon and my body agrees to that and it doesn't send hunger messages to me until around that time.  I find that quite amazing.

I used to sleep on my right side at night.  When I was pregnant with Lydia, I read that some important artery is located on the right side of the uterus and if pregnant women sleep on their left, their babies get more blood supply while the mother sleeps.  I decided I wanted to give my daughter as much as I could give, so I started to make myself sleep on the left side.  After two daughters, I am now "amphibious"  and feel fine either way.

But that took me all those pregnant months!

So it was my morning routine at leisure again today.  I took my time, feeling a bit confused about time and space.  I wonder if modern man/woman, in North America, lives like this.  I felt like I had been in 18th century, living probably in a remote farm house out of nowhere.  On our walk today, I let Beau take his time too.  We made a lot of stops and I just noticed that there was no need to hurry up in me.  I looked at the oval plate at breakfast time, and really appreciated it being oval so my egg and my banana bread could all fit.  For one night I didn't take out trash, and I found an ARMY of ants  in the sink and I traced their path around the crease of the walls, leading to back door.  They sured travelled a long way for an empty yogurt jar.  I used up what's left in the ant spray and wondered what ancient people used to kill ants.  The used spray can now becomes another environmental hazard. I was feeling the hot water splashing on my body in shower, and remembered my gas bill last month was only single digit! In disbelief, I gave thanks.  Litter box was the last thing to do before my morning begins. And it was almost eleven o'clock already!!

These precious moments in the morning are priceless.  

Vivaldi's Gloria in D is playing; cats are sprawling out on their blankie at the foot of my bed; morning sun very gently shines through crisp autumn air  into my room; I hear the music, but also the silence in my heart and can sense the stillness in my soul. 

What a beautiful morning!

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