This is the fourth rehearsal for the Bach Mass in B minor. I just LOVE Bach and feel like my soul is being combed every time I either sing, or play Bach. I think this if not only with me. As I walk out of the rehearsal hall, I can always hear people continue to want to sing..." Cum sancto spiritu" Our conductor Dr. Talberg said human minds crave order. We want to make sense of the world. When we look at the formless clouds, we naturally, even as child, want to put sense and meaning into what we see, "I think I see a dog..." and our brain likes to fill out the blanks. I can't agree more with this.
After the rain, the air feels so fresh and there is a hint of Fall. Marb and I want to be close, so we took a picture together. :-)
She now knows to fetch the ball and bring it up to table and drop it onto the paper I am reading. Her message is very clear, "C'mon, don't read the paper any more! Play with me!!"
Had breakfast with my lady friends at this cafe called Nano :-) in Morovia. It's an all American restaurant, like Goody's, except it's owned by two Chinese sisters. We were there from 8 to 10, but by 9am, this place was already full with people waiting outside! We sat at an outside table. After the rain last night, it was perferct! A little bit chilly, but we were happy.
ML and I went to see "Nights in Rodante" last night. The whole theatre was quiet, and toward the end you started to hear sniffing and people blowing their noses. We came out teary eyed too. :-) We asked the pearl group ladies to all watch it and we will discuss the movie.
Today is a very relaxing Saturday.
1 comment:
ma! marbley has some stuff near her eyes...=( but keep blogging and ill keep reading :D
yoko is the perfect picture cat :D
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