Wednesday, June 30, 2010
These are the things I do on a daily basis nowadays.
一天早上、發現在並沒有風的時候、有一朵花在微微顫動。我靈機一動、把花翻轉過來、果然不出所料!一隻叫不出名字的肉蟲在啃蝕我的花。從那天以後、我早上巡視花園、做了抓蟲專員。到目前為止、抓過三種不一樣的蟲、只有毛毛蟲叫得出名字。但是那不重要、重要的是我每天除害。今天早上竟然發現一隻毛毛蟲發展出和我的粉紅色petunia 一樣的保護色、還有一隻鮮綠的、好個紅花配綠葉!我毫無不忍之情、處死了它們。這盆花掛在porch屋頂上、不知它們如何爬上去的!有時翻轉過葉子和花、還會發現像無殼蝸牛般的小肉蟲、它們很靈光、第一次沒抓著的話、它們就捲成一團、掉到土裡、讓你很難再將她們拾起處理掉。我的辦法是、趕快跑到後院、找到剪刀、再跑回前院、用剪刀把她們。。。(你知道的)誰敢入侵我的花園、我就跟它拼了!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
“我該點什麼吃?“ “你自己決定。“
“你要不要我來看你?“ “你想來就來。“
畢竟、“要不要“是個人的決定、取捨是個人的。不是嗎?“該不該“的標準是卻是外在的、但即便如此、一個人不是應該可以決定他“要不要“臣服於“該不該“的外在標準?解放黑奴時期、外在的“該不該“說黑人不該與白人平起平坐、但是有些民權的領袖卻決定 “不要“ 認同這個標準和限制、導致黑奴的解放、是尊重天賦人權的覺醒和人類文化的進步。
難道只有少數有領袖眼光的人才有如此“進化“的觀點、能有足夠的自我力量(ego strength) 和道德勇氣、先是認知自己的觀點、然後申明自己的觀點、從而帶動社會的改變和文明的進步?
“我該點什麼吃?“ “你自己決定。“
“你要不要我來看你?“ “你想來就來。“
畢竟、“要不要“是個人的決定、取捨是個人的。不是嗎?“該不該“的標準是卻是外在的、但即便如此、一個人不是應該可以決定他“要不要“臣服於“該不該“的外在標準?解放黑奴時期、外在的“該不該“說黑人不該與白人平起平坐、但是有些民權的領袖卻決定 “不要“ 認同這個標準和限制、導致黑奴的解放、是尊重天賦人權的覺醒和人類文化的進步。
難道只有少數有領袖眼光的人才有如此“進化“的觀點、能有足夠的自我力量(ego strength) 和道德勇氣、先是認知自己的觀點、然後申明自己的觀點、從而帶動社會的改變和文明的進步?
Saturday, June 19, 2010
A Living Example of Emotional Eating
I was really excited about the permission from next door landlord to do as I wish to plant the area his gardener cleaned out a couple of days ago, which is a narrow strip of ear on his side of the property line, but visually an integral part of the front view of my house. So I headed to the nursery to pick my plants.
After I shopped to my heart's content, and found what I thought would look good for that part of "my" garden, I pulled the wagon to my car to unload. With no assistance from the nursery staff, I needed to stop the wagon from slipping downhill by one hand, and use my other hand to unload the pots to the trunk. I decided my clumsy big handbag needed to be put somewhere to free myself more as it kept sliding down from my shoulder as I bent and straightened myself initially. I put the big purse in the trunk. A funny, but alarming thought came to me, "Just don't lock it in the trunk!" And before I knew it, I was done unloading and shut the trunk!
There I was, feeling naked. No purse. No cell phone. Nada. I didn't even feel I had limbs. Totally stripped! Luckily, just the day before, I decided to put the sticker of roadside assistance where I was instrusted to by the car's user's manual. I read the phone number on the sticker, and repeated it to myself so I wouldn't forget, as I walked back to the nursery to borrow a phone. They were very nice to me and let me use the store phone to call for help. After several rounds of Q and A, I was told to wait by my car.
As I stood on the roadside, straining my neck so as not to miss the tow truck, I noticed my own fleeting thoughts. I thought about what my girlfriends would say about this, and my guy friends. I thought about the fact that i had not had any donuts for a long time now, because there was a big donut sign across from where I was standing. I thought about this and I thought about that. Then I became detached and observed myself thinking these thoughts and decided to "find out" how many different thoughts I could be thinking. But that was impossible because when you tell yourself to observe yourself, you are not you anymore. You become who you think you are and should be. So that was quite funny. I then thought about my Sunday school class tomorrow and trying to form a lesson plan. Might as well make the best use of the wait, which I was told to be up to 50 minutes. But lesson plan was quickly "interrupted" by other irrelevant thoughts. I read the plant labels on different plants on the sidewalk; I paid attention to the traffic flow and noticed some bad drivers, some angry, some indecisive, and some really self-centered. I saw some rich ladies driving shining Mercedez and wondered what their husbands did. It was interesting that the thought that they earned themselves the car never crossed my mind. I then wondered how come I was not one of them.
I also prayed. And wondered what an "appropriate" prayer would be like for moments like this. Should I be praying for the speedy arrival of my rescue? I didn't think that was mature. And I also had a hard time believing that God would mind such trivial business. I found this theology debate with myself interesting, and revealing, of what my beliefs are. But I didn't have time to finish the debate because then the truck came!
"Am I glad to see you!" I told him as I had rehearsed. (I thought he must hear that a lot but decided one could never be appreciated too much.)
Less than one minute after that, I was on my way home.
I decided since I didn't have a good lunch, because I was too cheap to buy and too lazy to cook, and now I was both hungry and dehydrated and emotionally drained, I needed food. Swung by Golden Deli and bought two orders!
Came home, had late lunch, finished one pint of Haagen Daaz ice cream and half a watermelon(small) Nonstop. Now I feel better.
The unexpected. The decision making. The stress of not knowing. The worries. The fear. The helplessness. The powerlessness. They deplete you of emotional and mental energy. To refuel, food is the most convenient. Simple and fast.
Luckily, my weight can allow such occasional impulsive, but satisfying indulgence. But I have learned to respect my physical needs. They are irrational, but powerful. If I ignore them, wrongfully believing that somehow I was not made of flesh and blood, or circumstances make other needs more dire and these physical needs to eat and drink are left unattended, over time, they become so powerful and demanding and it will be very hard, if impossible, to not succumb to them.
After I shopped to my heart's content, and found what I thought would look good for that part of "my" garden, I pulled the wagon to my car to unload. With no assistance from the nursery staff, I needed to stop the wagon from slipping downhill by one hand, and use my other hand to unload the pots to the trunk. I decided my clumsy big handbag needed to be put somewhere to free myself more as it kept sliding down from my shoulder as I bent and straightened myself initially. I put the big purse in the trunk. A funny, but alarming thought came to me, "Just don't lock it in the trunk!" And before I knew it, I was done unloading and shut the trunk!
There I was, feeling naked. No purse. No cell phone. Nada. I didn't even feel I had limbs. Totally stripped! Luckily, just the day before, I decided to put the sticker of roadside assistance where I was instrusted to by the car's user's manual. I read the phone number on the sticker, and repeated it to myself so I wouldn't forget, as I walked back to the nursery to borrow a phone. They were very nice to me and let me use the store phone to call for help. After several rounds of Q and A, I was told to wait by my car.
As I stood on the roadside, straining my neck so as not to miss the tow truck, I noticed my own fleeting thoughts. I thought about what my girlfriends would say about this, and my guy friends. I thought about the fact that i had not had any donuts for a long time now, because there was a big donut sign across from where I was standing. I thought about this and I thought about that. Then I became detached and observed myself thinking these thoughts and decided to "find out" how many different thoughts I could be thinking. But that was impossible because when you tell yourself to observe yourself, you are not you anymore. You become who you think you are and should be. So that was quite funny. I then thought about my Sunday school class tomorrow and trying to form a lesson plan. Might as well make the best use of the wait, which I was told to be up to 50 minutes. But lesson plan was quickly "interrupted" by other irrelevant thoughts. I read the plant labels on different plants on the sidewalk; I paid attention to the traffic flow and noticed some bad drivers, some angry, some indecisive, and some really self-centered. I saw some rich ladies driving shining Mercedez and wondered what their husbands did. It was interesting that the thought that they earned themselves the car never crossed my mind. I then wondered how come I was not one of them.
I also prayed. And wondered what an "appropriate" prayer would be like for moments like this. Should I be praying for the speedy arrival of my rescue? I didn't think that was mature. And I also had a hard time believing that God would mind such trivial business. I found this theology debate with myself interesting, and revealing, of what my beliefs are. But I didn't have time to finish the debate because then the truck came!
"Am I glad to see you!" I told him as I had rehearsed. (I thought he must hear that a lot but decided one could never be appreciated too much.)
Less than one minute after that, I was on my way home.
I decided since I didn't have a good lunch, because I was too cheap to buy and too lazy to cook, and now I was both hungry and dehydrated and emotionally drained, I needed food. Swung by Golden Deli and bought two orders!
Came home, had late lunch, finished one pint of Haagen Daaz ice cream and half a watermelon(small) Nonstop. Now I feel better.
The unexpected. The decision making. The stress of not knowing. The worries. The fear. The helplessness. The powerlessness. They deplete you of emotional and mental energy. To refuel, food is the most convenient. Simple and fast.
Luckily, my weight can allow such occasional impulsive, but satisfying indulgence. But I have learned to respect my physical needs. They are irrational, but powerful. If I ignore them, wrongfully believing that somehow I was not made of flesh and blood, or circumstances make other needs more dire and these physical needs to eat and drink are left unattended, over time, they become so powerful and demanding and it will be very hard, if impossible, to not succumb to them.
但是她的愛裡也有強迫。你看到的時候你也不會懷疑她在虐待她的貓。只是如果你叫她不要如此虐待貓、她絕不會同意。對她來說、愛你包括強迫你、因為她從小也是被強迫的愛愛大的。她並不知道、高貴的愛、有品質的愛、是要讓愛的對象自願回應。強迫的愛、是為自己的益處、完全不考慮、不同意、也不會尊重被愛的對象的意願。 她認為、我愛你就是要把我認為是好的東西塞給你、如果你愛我、你怎麼可能和我不同?愛、就是要在一起。身體要在一起。想法要在一起。好惡也一樣。計畫要一樣。夢想要一樣。方法要一樣。連死亡都不能把我們分開。愛、對她來說、就是我們倆一模一樣。如果你膽敢和我不同、我會很傷心、因為那表示你不愛我。
但是她的愛裡也有強迫。你看到的時候你也不會懷疑她在虐待她的貓。只是如果你叫她不要如此虐待貓、她絕不會同意。對她來說、愛你包括強迫你、因為她從小也是被強迫的愛愛大的。她並不知道、高貴的愛、有品質的愛、是要讓愛的對象自願回應。強迫的愛、是為自己的益處、完全不考慮、不同意、也不會尊重被愛的對象的意願。 她認為、我愛你就是要把我認為是好的東西塞給你、如果你愛我、你怎麼可能和我不同?愛、就是要在一起。身體要在一起。想法要在一起。好惡也一樣。計畫要一樣。夢想要一樣。方法要一樣。連死亡都不能把我們分開。愛、對她來說、就是我們倆一模一樣。如果你膽敢和我不同、我會很傷心、因為那表示你不愛我。
Thursday, June 17, 2010
女兒找到好工作、我替她高興、也十分以她為榮。但是她要離我遠去; 遠到很東邊的地方去。這一去、不知道要到什麼時候。她說已經買好感恩節的飛機票、要回來過節。但是那和住在身邊不同。
女兒找到好工作、我替她高興、也十分以她為榮。但是她要離我遠去; 遠到很東邊的地方去。這一去、不知道要到什麼時候。她說已經買好感恩節的飛機票、要回來過節。但是那和住在身邊不同。
Monday, June 14, 2010
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk
Don't cry over spilled milk, hm...
So if the milk is spilled, how am I supposed to feel? I know I should clean up after it, but how else would I feel other than... sad? Maybe? Am I allowed that feeling? And if I feel very sad, can I cry?
Let's say someone betrays you. Okay, so you decide you won't be friends with them any more. But how would you feel?
So you have experienced injustice. Is feeling angry okay? So angry that you need to let the flame out of your mouth and you talk about the injustice incessantly for a few days, with a few friends. They tell you, "so just get over it..." But what does "get over it" mean? Not feeling bad feelings? Not feeling at all? Because when there is injustice, we just don't feel any positive feelings.
If and when I look at the divorce paper and the "settlement agreement" and feel misunderstood and sad, will you tell me, "What's done is done. No use feeling sad for what's done." Am I supposed to just forget about it and feel nothing? How does one only feel good feelings and when it comes to the ugly side of life, one simply feels numb? Nothing. Is human heart such that we can tell it to go into non-operation mode when it's time for sadness and anger and hurt and disappointment and all those other negative, but nonetheless powerful feelings? Can we choose to only feel happiness and not sorrow?
Crying is no use, people say. Crying doesn't solve problems. Crying can't bring the dead back. Crying can't make bad things go away. Crying can't save your marriage. Crying can't do a lot of things. Crying makes one feel weak; no one wants to feel weak so we tell ourselves we shouldn't cry. But we shed tears because we feel too sad on the inside. Big drops of sadness well up in our heart and it overflows into our eyes and tears come out. How do you stop the internal container of sadness from overflowing when something very sad happens in life? Like when someone dies. Like when someone leaves. Like when you love someone but can't be with them.
Crying can't solve any problem. But crying is what humans do. A real person cries. And laughs. If someone only laughs, he is only half alive.
When i feel sad, I am going to cry. As simple as that.
So if the milk is spilled, how am I supposed to feel? I know I should clean up after it, but how else would I feel other than... sad? Maybe? Am I allowed that feeling? And if I feel very sad, can I cry?
Let's say someone betrays you. Okay, so you decide you won't be friends with them any more. But how would you feel?
So you have experienced injustice. Is feeling angry okay? So angry that you need to let the flame out of your mouth and you talk about the injustice incessantly for a few days, with a few friends. They tell you, "so just get over it..." But what does "get over it" mean? Not feeling bad feelings? Not feeling at all? Because when there is injustice, we just don't feel any positive feelings.
If and when I look at the divorce paper and the "settlement agreement" and feel misunderstood and sad, will you tell me, "What's done is done. No use feeling sad for what's done." Am I supposed to just forget about it and feel nothing? How does one only feel good feelings and when it comes to the ugly side of life, one simply feels numb? Nothing. Is human heart such that we can tell it to go into non-operation mode when it's time for sadness and anger and hurt and disappointment and all those other negative, but nonetheless powerful feelings? Can we choose to only feel happiness and not sorrow?
Crying is no use, people say. Crying doesn't solve problems. Crying can't bring the dead back. Crying can't make bad things go away. Crying can't save your marriage. Crying can't do a lot of things. Crying makes one feel weak; no one wants to feel weak so we tell ourselves we shouldn't cry. But we shed tears because we feel too sad on the inside. Big drops of sadness well up in our heart and it overflows into our eyes and tears come out. How do you stop the internal container of sadness from overflowing when something very sad happens in life? Like when someone dies. Like when someone leaves. Like when you love someone but can't be with them.
Crying can't solve any problem. But crying is what humans do. A real person cries. And laughs. If someone only laughs, he is only half alive.
When i feel sad, I am going to cry. As simple as that.
Friday, June 4, 2010
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