Sunday, December 19, 2010















面塗了一層水竟然就有如此的效果。心想明天早上把它烤了、加點奶油和raspberry jam、配上一杯現磨咖啡、一個荷包蛋、和洛杉磯時報、該有多美妙。


Monday, December 13, 2010





另一個代價就是別人對你的看法。現代人好像假設每一個人都是很忙的。我很不忙、當人問起“你很忙吧。“的時候、我常不知所挫。說不忙吧、沒人會相信、或者他們會懷疑我怎麼了、怎麼會不忙?說忙吧、又是說謊。常常支支唔唔就過去了。不曉得何年何月起、我好像用“忙“與否來衡量自己活著的品質。somehow、“忙“ 變成帶有負面意味的狀態。我不想忙、也不忙、但是我發現不忙帶給我一些深思、和挑戰。

我開始思考、人的價值到底是如何決定。如果我生來、什麼也不做、也許我身心某一方面有欠缺、以致無法工作、或者情勢不允許我工作、那麼我還有價值嗎?我感謝主、因他創造我、我就有價值。不在乎我做什麼、或不做什麼。他不但賦予我價值、他還愛我。Can you believe it!? I guess there are times when I don't believe it. And those are the times, when I don't do something, I don't feel I am worth anything. 做全職媽媽的時候、就遇到這種挑戰。因為我“不上班“所以好像總是在向賺錢的人證明、我還是有價值的。或許說、這種不做工就不許吃飯的心態、鞭策我自己不停的做、好在坐下來吃晚飯的時候、覺得我“配得“ 但是因為沒有金錢的數量來衡量我到底有多少價值、所以再怎麼做、好像也無法向人向己證明、我所得的、和我所付出的、是剛好平衡。上班的人回家、可以看報休息、因為他配得。因為他賺來的。沒有上班的人、看報休息怎麼可以。要說服自己、不是很容易。“配“ 的尺度、很難拿捏。煮飯照顧孩子、做家事再辛苦、好像就是不能為我“賺來“ 休息的權利。沒想到、一生中大半的年歲、是用在找到自己的價值上!


中午站在廚房水槽前、慢慢的洗碗、冬日中午暖暖的陽光照在臉上、聽得水聲嘩嘩、把幾個碗洗得乾乾淨淨、心中有種莫名的滿足感和感恩。有多少二十一世紀像我這年記的人、可以在週間的白天、享受這寧靜的一刻?拿出記事簿、數數這星期的病人、十人。平均一天兩人。我這樣活著、ok嗎?只有我自己可以給答案。And this is the hart part. People don't necessarily like it when people tell them what to do with their lives, but when told, most will not want to listen either. We want to be our own master, to be able to decide for ourselves, but sometimes we just want someone to tell us what is the "right" thing to do.


上帝創造天地之後就安息了、但詩篇中說祂 “不打盹也不睡覺。“ 地保護我們。那是安息中的工作。風浪中在船尾睡覺的耶穌、也是平靜風和海的萬有的主、那是工作中的安息。我是按著祂形象造的、有祂的影子、所以在工作渴望休假、休假久了想工作、好像永遠找不到平衡。唯有當我確信自己的價值不做工作中、我想我們才能在不忙的時候、享受自己、而不被心慌的感覺、沒價值的感覺、和無聊的感覺騷擾、在最簡單的存在裡、歌頌生命的美麗、和創造者的偉大。

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Me Time

I know, I know, this is not healthy at all; I mean, eating your meals in front of TV, or in this case, computer.

But oh boy, did I have a great time!

Felt pretty good with my last session after I had complained to A about not wanting to work with couples. She said she didn't like working with those couples when all they do in the session is to blame the other person. Mine did exactly that today, but we also got some other positive things done so that was good enough for me.

On my way home, I did all the things that made me happy and thought, after all, life is good.

The library is right across from the office so I walked over. Felt really happy to see people reading; not so much for the fact that they are reading for knowledge, but more for the fact that they can find a quiet corner for themselves and enjoy themselves. You can call that projection but today I feel full of joy and I don't really care. The library is so new and clean and quiet. I walked around and soon left without borrowing any books but I was happy anyway.

Went to Starbucks to grab some coffee and that always feels good. Now my car smells coffee and I just love that.

Been wanting to go to the Salvation Army store and today seems to be a good day to go. I couldn't believe my luck when I saw this manual coffee grinder. I had been looking for one for some time now. For under $5 I got it. No tax, even. My heart swells a little more.

Went to the neighborhood Indian grocery store to buy curry. The store is small, but well stocked, and the keeper speaks English English, not Indian English and I had no problem understanding him. Whew! My culinary imagination started to run wild and I was extra nice to the store keeper because I knew I would come back, and also because, well, I was very happy.

Came home to finish what I had started last night -- my pork/soy bean dish with the curry I had gotten. In twenty minutes, I wanted to climb to the roof of my house and shout "Anyone care for some good food?" The dinner roll was also home made. Can you believe that! I felt very narcissistic but I guess it's okay to once in a while feel that way.

Chef John manages to always make me laugh. So what's a better place to have lunch than in front of the computer, watching his food blog?

I even washed my car today, using only one bucket of water. Didn't get myself all wet, and felt good for having saved the world some water. (Honestly, I wasn't thinking about my water bill at all. )

So who cares I had lunch in front of my computer today.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Catching My Thoughts


看完了最後一集Band of Brothers. 二次大戰的故事總是很吸引我、全神貫注的看、不放過每一個對話、每一個表情。昨晚看到美軍在歐洲戰場結束之後、解放一些集中營的歷史鏡頭。我看到一個身穿條紋囚衣、瘦骨嶙峋的被囚者、緊緊擁抱一個經過他身邊的美國大兵。素昧生平、他卻緊抱著不放、而且開始哭泣。美國大兵愣愣地站在那裡、突兀間卻用手輕撫這個感激他的陌生人。我聽到自己喉間發出類似哭嚎的聲音、以為自己哭了、卻發現沒有眼淚、幾個鏡頭之後、才發覺自己的心好像被匕首刺穿、痛到不行。看完之後太睏了就睡了。

今早L.A. Times上有一篇文章講到一個浸信會的軍牧在阿富汗被路旁炸彈炸死、留下三個稚齡的孩子和他們的母親。看完文章、早餐也吃完、卻是食不知味。



Tuesday, November 30, 2010


我喜歡早起。像今天早上。五點半就醒了。遛狗回來、還有許多時間。忽然想吃raisin bran muffin。看看時間還早得很、乾脆來做給自己吃。二十分鐘之後、剛出爐的muffin 就已放在網架尚待涼。煎個蛋、煮杯咖啡、加上一個摻著新疆帶回來的葡萄乾的bran muffin、我看著報、從容地享受安靜的早上。開始靈修時、才七點半。我覺得好富有。





Saturday, November 20, 2010

To Love Me Is To Know Me




當你問我“你的感受如何?“ “妳為甚麼哭了?“ 的時候、我也覺得你想認識我、我就會忍不住告訴你更多我的感受、但是你聽了、也許開始覺得我很奇怪、也許你對我說、“妳太敏感“ 好像我的感受是過頭了、是超出範圍、是不正常、是錯了、或者、起碼是、你不認同、但是、我的感受卻真真實實是我的感受、不是我故意要那樣覺得。如果你可以接受我的感受、容許我有這樣的感受、我纔會覺得你接受我。


有人說我想太多、但是、那就是我。接下來的問題就是、像這樣的我、有人愛嗎?我好像很麻煩。誰能handle我想這麼多?誰能跟得上我?誰能接納我?誰想認識我?誰會珍惜這樣的我?還是他們聽到我的道白之後、都想勸我不要做我?如果是這樣、難道我不該存在?難道那訊息是在告訴我:“Don't be you because I don't like the way you are. Be something else, someone else?"


也許當我分享我的感受時、聽者以為我在怪他。那麼要陳明多少次、“我不是怪你“ 才能把好像有人受傷的氣氛拿掉?我想要一個“大大“的人、大到、可以聽我說他的言行對我造成的情緒反應、還可以聽得進去、不忙著為自己辯護、反而聽懂我的傾訴。好像一個裝髒衣服的簍子、知道我丟進來的、只是我的髒衣服、卻不表示他是個髒衣服簍子。也許覺得臭氣薰天、卻絕不會誤認自己是髒簍子。天下、有這種人嗎?也許因為我的職業、我每天做衣服簍子、覺得人人都可以做得來、只要願意學習。也許我忘了、我學做簍子也不是一天兩天的事、而且在學的時候、有人訓練我、提醒我、也許我什麼都不會、卻很會做個髒衣服簍子 所以選擇它做職業。堆滿了髒衣服是我天天的樣子、我不會討厭髒衣服、也不會搞不清楚髒衣服不是我。你懂我在說什麼嗎?



Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Godly Sorrow

"Godly sorrw brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death." (2 Corinthians 7:10)

I was reading Spurgeon's daily reading for today this morning and this is the verse for today. As always, I read this verse again in the Bible. Tears started streaming down my face after I read it a few times and I had no idea why I was crying. Something deep in me was touched by this verse. With my mind's eye, I saw myself as a convalescent patient, being wheeled by God, when He whispered this verse into my ears. Like a child, I did not understand fully what I was told, but emotionally, I got it. His love and forgiveness and acceptance of me enlarged me. I am still struggling to verbalize this understanding.

That was a feeling of warmth... of peace. I knew, emotionally, that I was at peace with Him and myself at that exact moment. I felt I was becoming whole. I felt I could rest. A spring of water wants to flow out of me. I felt I could love genuinely and deeply.

I don't remember what Spurgeon wrote about this verse as clearly now, but God's word I can hear still... "godly sorrow worketh repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret." It's almost like each time when I sin, it's a chance for me to see the true color of me. And this verse tells me, if I truly abhor the evil of sin, I will run to Him for salvation and then be given a new life, instead of kicking myself, because I arrogantly believe I am better than I really am, and believe that if only I would work harder, I could be better. The futile attempt to get out of that entrapment will eventually lead to death by exhaustion and disillusion.

I pray to enjoy this kind of continual repentance until I enter my eternal rest.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Morning Reflection

Just as I was thinking about Megan this morning, she called. She and I have been talking about the possibility that she will go through oral surgery to have her open bite corrected next year. Today she went for a second opinion. Coming out of the doctor's office and on her way to work, she told me the pros and cons that doctor had informed her. I caught myself paying attention only to the part that worried me as a mother.

Let's say someone tells me in one breath, ten things. Person A might pay attention more to thing number one, and person B might pay attention to thing number two and three... to which part of the information we pay the most attention has to do, I think, with who we are and how the world has been treating us in the past. I, as a mother, worry most about her safety. I don't really know how having an open bite jaw feels like each time you need to bite into something, or in her case, not being able to bite into certain things, but I know I am scared to think about all the possible complications. Different bits of the information arouses different emotions in different people and we would respond most readily to those, instead of looking at the information at its entirety and truthfully weighing the pros and cons. Our judgement is biased by our emotions. I told her I came to realize, after giving it more thought and having some time lapsed between our last conversation and now, the part that worries me the most was how she would survive the post op discomfort and inconvenience. And she laughed and we joked about how eating must be a very important thing for our family. (Lately we have been talking a lot about how we always talk about food and spend time in the kitchen.)

I realized she did not need my signature anymore, if she decides to go through with the surgery, because she is an adult now. This is her life, her body and her decision. I will not let my anxiety, fear and personal experiences interfere with how she wants to make decisions for herself. We have had more than a few conversations on this topic, and I know she is not treating this subject matter lightly. I can not be responsible for this decision no matter how she decides.

Listening to Amazing Grace by the Chanticleer one more time this morning and as I let tears roll down my cheeks, I asked myself what being amazed is like. Since when did I stop being amazed by His grace? Do I really know that I once was blind but now I see? Or am I still blind? I was bound, but now I am free, it says. Am I free? Free to love, free of fear, free of judgement, free of anxiety and free to serve his church and free of myself? What is it like to be free? It must be without fear.

I found Marble sleeping next to me with her face on my pillow last night. I like waking up in the middle of the night feeling that way. Loved, I guess.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy (8)

Sunday afternoon. I was hot and tired.

I have had this red cabbage in the fridge for too long now, and have always wanted to use it up but don't really like the texture and the taste of it. Can't stir fry it because it will turn into the world's ugliest color -- so ugly there is no name for it. It's not brown, and it's not gray. Horrible color.

I stood in the kitchen, thinking...

A few minutes later, this beautiful drink not only drenched my thirst, it made me so happy! The beautiful color is the highlight of my day. Praise the Lord for colors!

1/4 of a solid red cabbage, 1/2 of an almost-want-to-throw-away dead ripe banana, 1/2 peach from yesterday, 16 red grapes, 1/2 jumbo cucumber, 1/2 cup of water, 2 cups of ice cubes.

Life is good.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Feeling Unhappy

Feeling unhappy is a strange thing.

For two days now, I have been feeling unhappy. I notice the mood change after I had the phone conversation with her. She told me how she ran into John and shared with me what they talked about.

The strange thing was, I started to feel unhappy but didn't know for what. I allowed myself sometime to experience what I thought was going to be sadness, and because I was just about to go to bed when she called, I thought I would cry a little and then fell asleep. That was not what happened. I didn't cry. But I was unhappy. So it must not be sadness I felt. When people are sad, they want to cry.

For two days now, I am still unhappy. Still don't know why. I am amazed at human's capacity for self deception. The reason(s) for my unhappiness remained hidden from me and as much as spend quiet time with myself, praying and reflecting and searching, I still was not clear. Some hints, but not clear.

Being the way I am, this has become a more interesting, than distressing phenomenon for me.

Then I was reminded of this verse : "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." (Psalms 42: 5)

Wanting to know has been characteristic of me. Knowledge about why things are and why people are the way they are and why I am the way I am has always attracted me. I am curious; I want to know. I want to know so I can make good decisions, and I want to know so things make sense to me. The problem is, there are things I don't know, and most times knowing doesn't do much at all in terms of help me love better, which is the epitome of God's commands.

Putting my hope in God needs to be a constant effort. The opposite of unhappy is not happy. It is the ability to look upward to Him. It is the commitment to move forward with him and not stuck in the present, or the past. It is the will to go to work, take care of myself, stay connected with friends and family, trusting that feelings come and go, but He doesn't change and He is a good God.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

New Found Voice

I have always believed people can change, but it was not until yesterday did I pay attention to an important link in the process of changing. Effort. The awareness of the need for change, and the willingness to change are all important before any changes can take place. But without effort to work it, change will remain a sweet dream at best.

Several of my girlfriends have told me, at different times, that I needed a voice of my own. After years of being mute, I didn't know I had a voice, and as I am beginning to hear my own inner voice, to make it audible takes effort. I need to know how to voice it.

The kitchen remodeling is nearing its end. It has been agony for me. It's about what I want for my kitchen and it's about making things happen for me, and it's about asking people (project manager and workers) and sometimes demanding them to work for me and me alone. All is new to me. The last thing, after one month working on the inside, is to finish the outside window trim. A new window was put in, but it still needs frame. I needed to tell the project manager I wanted the window "restored" to pre-installation condition, i.e., where there used to be wood trim, after the new window was put in, the wood trim should be put back. Legitimate request, I think.

It took me thirty minutes to rehearse my lines before I called the project manager this morning. I heard my voice inside of me, but I needed words to communicate it to him. I remember scrambling words in my head, strike them, re-phrase, strike them, re-phrase. To my surprise, my main concern was to not offend him, as if I was being unreasonable, almost like a whining child, and I was afraid that if I upset him, he would not give me what I wanted. For the most part of my life, I think that's how I have "operated."

After much rehearsing, I called. I was hoping he would not pick up, and I would just leave a message, reciting from memory what I had been rehearsing til that point of time. He answered. My heart thumped but I heard my own voice. He had no qualms about it at all and it was done. I did not upset him and I got what I wanted.

But maybe I was just lucky. What if he did get upset because to do it as I wanted meant more work, and therefore less profit, for him and his company. If he would have given me a hard time, would I have backed off? There is no way to know. I know I can be very easily harassed and intimidated and bullied. My voice sounds to me like a little beep. A disagreeable look, a hum and a hem could easily silence me.

I used to be my daddy's little girl. And a good girl I was. A good girl never disagrees. She needs not to have her own voice. Or so some daddies think. My dad loved me, but he didn't allow me to have my own voice.

My heavenly father gives me a voice and wants to hear me. He also gives me opportunities to practice using my voice so I can hear it too. He is giving me back my lost voice; He is giving me back the lost me. For that, I give thanks.

Monday, August 16, 2010

















how powerful
how sad
how true.

Thursday, August 12, 2010




友人力勸我趁年紀還不算太老、趕快找人再嫁。有的建議我go for eHarmony. 我說我太cheap、不想每月付月費。有人要給我介紹男友。我才開始想、我還有下半生、該如何過?單身?同居?結婚?又不單身又不同居又不結婚?其中只有單身和結婚是我會考慮的。但這兩個選擇、都有極大的代價。其實其他的選擇、又何嘗沒有代價?只是現代人也許礙於面子、和必須politically correct, 不好承認罷了。如果我還有四十年好活、(這是樂觀的我在說話、按照目前life span的統計數字、我沒有剩下那麼多年。)我又越來越喜歡做女人、該是年老力衰的時候、身心靈各方面卻竟都不覺得在走下坡、要能安於獨自享受餘生、貢獻餘生、恐怕也是件大工程。再婚、想到要和一個陌生的老男人從彼此認識開始、交往到可以互托終生、也蠻可怕、甚至怪怪的、有點噁心。


裝修房子的工頭、賣車的salesman、到IKEA的售貨員、甚至認識多年的園丁、在多一點談話之後、好像隱約知道我單身、都顯出男人本色、言談中、“我是男人、你是女人。。。“ 的感覺總在空氣中、令人不舒服、緊張、有時討厭。莫非我要騙人、說我丈夫在上班?最可惡的就是、園丁的年紀可以做我兒子、講着不盡達意的墨西哥英語、也能讓我聽到他語調中的男、性。




Wednesday, August 11, 2010










Monday, August 9, 2010







Saturday, August 7, 2010








“為了那將來的榮耀、現在要忍受至暫至輕的苦楚。“ 要兩星期之後有舒適好用漂亮的廚房、就得忍受過程中的不便和難受。將來的吸引越強、忍受現在不舒服的意願也才會越強。

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Emotional Color Chart

Woke up around 5 this morning. Thought about something and started to get all worried and scared. The more I thought about it, the more I could not go back to sleep so I decided to just get up and walk Beau.

The strange, (or not so strange) thing is, after I got up and went about my day, the worry didn't seem to be so worth it anymore. Anxiety was gone. Thoughts were remote. In less than 3 hours, I feel like a different person. The same thoughts surrounding that issue are still with me, and I still believe what I was concerned was legitimate. The difference is how I feel.

I was reminded once again, that feelings are ephemeral and can not be trusted. Feelings are precious gift from God too, and feelings are what makes us human. But feelings can be so easily blown out of proportion and feelings can rob you of perspective and entrench you and paralyze you. How nice if we can all keep feelings of equal size. Just the right blend of feelings to make the emotional rainbow beautiful. But with me, sometimes there is too much yellow and sometimes there is too much gray. I can have a lot of red too, and sometimes even a big blob of white. I was feeling black this morning, and alarming orange was flashing too. Went to workout, had breakfast, looked at hummingbirds and the proportion of those colors changed.

I think I am feeling green now. Somewhat healed.

(Also went to HomeDepot to pick a paint color for my kitchen.)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Such Are My Friends

These are how I see my friends.

Some are Christians, who claim to love the Lord and want to live a life that glorifies God. They appear to be loving and caring, but it's because they think that is the way to get people to buy their religion. They practice this attitude until it becomes their god.

I also have family and friends who walk the political-correct tightrope. They take it upon themselves to also educate me about the consequences of being political incorrect, and the most immediate lesson from them, is that I will be attacked. This kind of attitude has nothing to do with inviting an honest debate about truth, but everything to do with wanting to appear up-to-date in their postmodern thinking, and an ultimate challenge to God's sovereignty.

There's also this group of non-Christian friends that I have. I value their friendship because these are people with compassion. They may not be well learned, but their right and wrong is very clear. Many of them are well learned, but they continue to want to know more and are honest with what they don't know. As such, they listen to my struggles with genuine love and they are quick to forgive if my language is less than perfect, and when my political view appears conservative. A few of them are so comfortable with themselves, that they allow you to be yourself too. They are not in a hurry to correct me if I am wrong. They see me as just another human being. I can even talk to them about God.

I also have friends who seem to be compassionate Christians, a good combination of the above two groups. Unfortunately, they are either too extrovert, too Chinese, or too something for me to want to be closer to them.

I have two best friends, who seem to have everything I want in a friend. But they are my daughters and as such, there are things I don't feel free to share as a mother. That generational boundary will always be there, and it is a necessary boundary. Not to keep them out, but to keep them safe. And that is the price all mothers pay. Or am I wrong? When does a mother's responsibility to protect end?

The best friend is Jesus. And I will learn His ways and always strive to be a good friend to those I love.

Monday, August 2, 2010



今天做工的人問我、妳一人住嗎?我說是啊、他說、“妳不怕嗎?“ 我說不怕。想了一想、我說 “我不怕、我什麼都不怕、連鬼也不怕。“ 他笑了。




裝修廚房中、沒有水槽、沒有瓦斯。我們四人(二貓一狗加我)窩在我的臥室。吃喝全在這裡。我想我也可以過。臥室門一開、就是沒有地板的廚房。可以看到地基、空空洞洞。一不小心、還可能掉到坑裡。 Marble膽大包天、馬上跳到地基下層去週遊一圈。回來的時候、毛上沾的都是灰塵和蜘蛛網。它毫不以為意。Yoko 看看情況不妙、乖乖載有限的空間打轉、不吵不鬧、也不去冒險。最受罪的是Beau。一出門看到天雲變色、馬上倒回去。我把地上木條排排、把drywall 抓一塊來墊墊、他仍不肯走上去。一腳踏上去、覺得不穩、馬上回頭。老人家就是這樣、看看情況、估計一下自己能力、自忖過不了關、就做罷。我好不容易把地上用他熟悉的毯子鋪好、他這纔肯踏上。我想晚上早上我們要出去蹓躂、總得先把室內路徑選定才好。否則一大早迷迷糊糊、可別人狗一起掉到坑裡才好。


Monday, July 26, 2010


蠻可怕的題目!但是這是我想到今天早上跟幾位老友去hiking 時腦海裡浮現的一句話。好像沒有這句成語吧。

早上應邀去hiking。像個老人、昨晚就把鬧鐘定好、怕自己聽不到 (咦、老人好像不會睡這麼沈吧?)結果好久睡不著。這已經是一僵--稍有變動、就刹有介事似的。

還有就是我早上的規律要被打斷。本來起床遛狗煮咖啡看報吃早飯是一慣作業的、現在中間夾了個hiking 害我得重新arrange早上作業程序。結果是早起一小時、把這些事還是根據原來順序先做了、才出門。這是二僵。

Hiking完她們去McDonald's 吃早飯、我傻在那裡、因為我已經吃過了。不好掃她們的興、也跟著叫了咖啡和McMuffin夾蛋。心想、這是今天第二杯咖啡和第二個蛋、影養健康!這是第三僵。




但是她們的話我牢記心中。人老了、若不提醒自己這個那個、不知不覺中就會變成怪怪的。我偷偷看看我這群退了休的朋友、我算是她們當中最年輕的、距退休也還早、但是她們神采奕奕、在我眼裡好像高中女孩一樣可愛、因為她們是成熟的高中女孩。有人生的睿智、但也不失青春的氣息、一點也不僵化。我們談聖經、談主日的心得、談旅遊計畫、必此鼓勵、彼此在尋開心中提醒彼此要做可愛的老人to be.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


今天、(其實也不只今天)又想了想怎樣的人生才算有意義。(好像每當我不忙的時候、就會想想這問題。可能是想說服自己不忙是okay 的。 Puritan work ethics還蠻根深蒂固在我的系統裡吧。)


這讓我想到多年前、為了在剖腹產之後能自然生產老二、找到Dr. Fox。他的病人都是高危險群、所以病人不多、這樣他才能給她們高品質的照顧。但是病人必須多付些錢。心理諮詢的費用很高、我自己的解釋是、因為高品質的聆聽是很費勁的、所以一個好的心理治療師一天不能看很多病人。少病人人數、就要用高診費來平衡。心理治療師也要過日子吧。







(有時我在想、到底有誰會給我打分數呢??!還不就是我自己。)這種想法裡、還有對上帝的感恩。他不是一個掐着我的脖子要我表現給祂看的神。祂只對我說、“如果你願意學我的樣式、我會賜你所需資源。“ 到哪裡去找、這樣一位神。

Friday, July 16, 2010

Gardening and Sister Fun

Really fun to garden with Lei.

Gardening has drawn us even closer together. Whenever I go to mom's, I'd tour her garden with her. We take delight in looking at the different plants, which we can never name, and their vigorous summer colors. It is a double joy-- joy of the beauty of nature, and joy of being with my sister. I can't but praise the Lord for sisterhood. I love Lei.

I can't believe how excited I have been, looking forward to our weekend project of making some hanging basket together. Like a kid looking forward to a weekend outing to an amusement park, I dream about tomorrow. The fun of talking about what we want to do; the fun of going shopping in a local nursery, or two; the fun of actually doing it side by side in the shade of her patio; the fun of... of course, good food in the end to reward ourselves.

I don't remember how we started this hobby. First, she had her garden redone, and then I had mine. I guess from there, we talked more about our gardens and the interest grew. When I go visit, we would usually sit out to wait for the hummingbird family that lives there, after we are done with our garden tour. She name the "head of the household" hummingbird Joe and we can tell who Joe is and who his wife and child (we assumed it was a son, hence, little Joe) We usually don't need to wait for long before Joe would come back from his patrol of the neighborhood and parch himself on the nearby clothline and stand guard to fend off intruders. He would sometimes watch his wife and son feed on the feeder with pride, and joy. Lei and I would talk.

Temperature has been extremely high, in the triple digit these past few days. No matter what, we are gonna garden tomorrow! Yay!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010



其實牠也不老、才三歲吧。牠和Yoko非常不同。Yoko 一付老謀深算的樣子、not much can excite her. Marble, on the other hand, gets excited over the most simple thing. Like her own shadow.

The other night, I was sitting at my desk, as usual, and heard Marble 爪子抓地的聲音。我起先以為有什麼小蟲引起牠注意、不以為意。沒想到爪子抓地聲久久不停、而且沒有一定的節奏。我好期起身去看、以為自己眼力退化到不行、因為地上什麼也看不見。後來Marble 再抓的時候、正好被我看到、原來牠在抓自己的影子!!

Yoko聞聲而至、像我一樣、想知道Marble 在幹嘛。但牠聞了聞、看了看、啥也沒看見、就走開了。我想、Yoko、你錯過好戲!




Friday, July 2, 2010

This Is The Day...

This is the day.... the Lord has made! I shall rejoice and be glad in it.

Life moves on. Feelings change. Some situations change; some don't. What was yesterday, is no more today. I give thanks for a new day. A new day the Lord has granted me so I can glorify his name.

A client of mine cried in session yesterday; first time since her abortion years ago. What was the lesson? She asked, sounding like she still believed in a good God, but no more than that. We make decisions to the best of our resources, including mental and physical strength at the time, and may struggle for years to come , trying to figure out if we have made the right decision. For God's children to believe in His goodness and to cast their hope in His character, instead of life's circumstances, I should say His name is glorified.

Today is the day. I don't know about tomorrow, and yesterday certainly is no more. He remains faithful, yesterday, today and forever. Blessed am I who find salvation in his name.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


These are the things I do on a daily basis nowadays.

一天早上、發現在並沒有風的時候、有一朵花在微微顫動。我靈機一動、把花翻轉過來、果然不出所料!一隻叫不出名字的肉蟲在啃蝕我的花。從那天以後、我早上巡視花園、做了抓蟲專員。到目前為止、抓過三種不一樣的蟲、只有毛毛蟲叫得出名字。但是那不重要、重要的是我每天除害。今天早上竟然發現一隻毛毛蟲發展出和我的粉紅色petunia 一樣的保護色、還有一隻鮮綠的、好個紅花配綠葉!我毫無不忍之情、處死了它們。這盆花掛在porch屋頂上、不知它們如何爬上去的!有時翻轉過葉子和花、還會發現像無殼蝸牛般的小肉蟲、它們很靈光、第一次沒抓著的話、它們就捲成一團、掉到土裡、讓你很難再將她們拾起處理掉。我的辦法是、趕快跑到後院、找到剪刀、再跑回前院、用剪刀把她們。。。(你知道的)誰敢入侵我的花園、我就跟它拼了!




Tuesday, June 29, 2010





“我該點什麼吃?“ “你自己決定。“


“你要不要我來看你?“ “你想來就來。“


畢竟、“要不要“是個人的決定、取捨是個人的。不是嗎?“該不該“的標準是卻是外在的、但即便如此、一個人不是應該可以決定他“要不要“臣服於“該不該“的外在標準?解放黑奴時期、外在的“該不該“說黑人不該與白人平起平坐、但是有些民權的領袖卻決定 “不要“ 認同這個標準和限制、導致黑奴的解放、是尊重天賦人權的覺醒和人類文化的進步。

難道只有少數有領袖眼光的人才有如此“進化“的觀點、能有足夠的自我力量(ego strength) 和道德勇氣、先是認知自己的觀點、然後申明自己的觀點、從而帶動社會的改變和文明的進步?






Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Living Example of Emotional Eating

I was really excited about the permission from next door landlord to do as I wish to plant the area his gardener cleaned out a couple of days ago, which is a narrow strip of ear on his side of the property line, but visually an integral part of the front view of my house. So I headed to the nursery to pick my plants.

After I shopped to my heart's content, and found what I thought would look good for that part of "my" garden, I pulled the wagon to my car to unload. With no assistance from the nursery staff, I needed to stop the wagon from slipping downhill by one hand, and use my other hand to unload the pots to the trunk. I decided my clumsy big handbag needed to be put somewhere to free myself more as it kept sliding down from my shoulder as I bent and straightened myself initially. I put the big purse in the trunk. A funny, but alarming thought came to me, "Just don't lock it in the trunk!" And before I knew it, I was done unloading and shut the trunk!

There I was, feeling naked. No purse. No cell phone. Nada. I didn't even feel I had limbs. Totally stripped! Luckily, just the day before, I decided to put the sticker of roadside assistance where I was instrusted to by the car's user's manual. I read the phone number on the sticker, and repeated it to myself so I wouldn't forget, as I walked back to the nursery to borrow a phone. They were very nice to me and let me use the store phone to call for help. After several rounds of Q and A, I was told to wait by my car.

As I stood on the roadside, straining my neck so as not to miss the tow truck, I noticed my own fleeting thoughts. I thought about what my girlfriends would say about this, and my guy friends. I thought about the fact that i had not had any donuts for a long time now, because there was a big donut sign across from where I was standing. I thought about this and I thought about that. Then I became detached and observed myself thinking these thoughts and decided to "find out" how many different thoughts I could be thinking. But that was impossible because when you tell yourself to observe yourself, you are not you anymore. You become who you think you are and should be. So that was quite funny. I then thought about my Sunday school class tomorrow and trying to form a lesson plan. Might as well make the best use of the wait, which I was told to be up to 50 minutes. But lesson plan was quickly "interrupted" by other irrelevant thoughts. I read the plant labels on different plants on the sidewalk; I paid attention to the traffic flow and noticed some bad drivers, some angry, some indecisive, and some really self-centered. I saw some rich ladies driving shining Mercedez and wondered what their husbands did. It was interesting that the thought that they earned themselves the car never crossed my mind. I then wondered how come I was not one of them.

I also prayed. And wondered what an "appropriate" prayer would be like for moments like this. Should I be praying for the speedy arrival of my rescue? I didn't think that was mature. And I also had a hard time believing that God would mind such trivial business. I found this theology debate with myself interesting, and revealing, of what my beliefs are. But I didn't have time to finish the debate because then the truck came!

"Am I glad to see you!" I told him as I had rehearsed. (I thought he must hear that a lot but decided one could never be appreciated too much.)

Less than one minute after that, I was on my way home.

I decided since I didn't have a good lunch, because I was too cheap to buy and too lazy to cook, and now I was both hungry and dehydrated and emotionally drained, I needed food. Swung by Golden Deli and bought two orders!

Came home, had late lunch, finished one pint of Haagen Daaz ice cream and half a watermelon(small) Nonstop. Now I feel better.

The unexpected. The decision making. The stress of not knowing. The worries. The fear. The helplessness. The powerlessness. They deplete you of emotional and mental energy. To refuel, food is the most convenient. Simple and fast.

Luckily, my weight can allow such occasional impulsive, but satisfying indulgence. But I have learned to respect my physical needs. They are irrational, but powerful. If I ignore them, wrongfully believing that somehow I was not made of flesh and blood, or circumstances make other needs more dire and these physical needs to eat and drink are left unattended, over time, they become so powerful and demanding and it will be very hard, if impossible, to not succumb to them.



但是她的愛裡也有強迫。你看到的時候你也不會懷疑她在虐待她的貓。只是如果你叫她不要如此虐待貓、她絕不會同意。對她來說、愛你包括強迫你、因為她從小也是被強迫的愛愛大的。她並不知道、高貴的愛、有品質的愛、是要讓愛的對象自願回應。強迫的愛、是為自己的益處、完全不考慮、不同意、也不會尊重被愛的對象的意願。 她認為、我愛你就是要把我認為是好的東西塞給你、如果你愛我、你怎麼可能和我不同?愛、就是要在一起。身體要在一起。想法要在一起。好惡也一樣。計畫要一樣。夢想要一樣。方法要一樣。連死亡都不能把我們分開。愛、對她來說、就是我們倆一模一樣。如果你膽敢和我不同、我會很傷心、因為那表示你不愛我。










Thursday, June 17, 2010



女兒找到好工作、我替她高興、也十分以她為榮。但是她要離我遠去; 遠到很東邊的地方去。這一去、不知道要到什麼時候。她說已經買好感恩節的飛機票、要回來過節。但是那和住在身邊不同。



Monday, June 14, 2010

Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk

Don't cry over spilled milk, hm...

So if the milk is spilled, how am I supposed to feel? I know I should clean up after it, but how else would I feel other than... sad? Maybe? Am I allowed that feeling? And if I feel very sad, can I cry?

Let's say someone betrays you. Okay, so you decide you won't be friends with them any more. But how would you feel?

So you have experienced injustice. Is feeling angry okay? So angry that you need to let the flame out of your mouth and you talk about the injustice incessantly for a few days, with a few friends. They tell you, "so just get over it..." But what does "get over it" mean? Not feeling bad feelings? Not feeling at all? Because when there is injustice, we just don't feel any positive feelings.

If and when I look at the divorce paper and the "settlement agreement" and feel misunderstood and sad, will you tell me, "What's done is done. No use feeling sad for what's done." Am I supposed to just forget about it and feel nothing? How does one only feel good feelings and when it comes to the ugly side of life, one simply feels numb? Nothing. Is human heart such that we can tell it to go into non-operation mode when it's time for sadness and anger and hurt and disappointment and all those other negative, but nonetheless powerful feelings? Can we choose to only feel happiness and not sorrow?

Crying is no use, people say. Crying doesn't solve problems. Crying can't bring the dead back. Crying can't make bad things go away. Crying can't save your marriage. Crying can't do a lot of things. Crying makes one feel weak; no one wants to feel weak so we tell ourselves we shouldn't cry. But we shed tears because we feel too sad on the inside. Big drops of sadness well up in our heart and it overflows into our eyes and tears come out. How do you stop the internal container of sadness from overflowing when something very sad happens in life? Like when someone dies. Like when someone leaves. Like when you love someone but can't be with them.

Crying can't solve any problem. But crying is what humans do. A real person cries. And laughs. If someone only laughs, he is only half alive.

When i feel sad, I am going to cry. As simple as that.

Friday, June 4, 2010
















Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Goodbye, Mazda6

Returned Mazda6 today.

As I was waiting outside the dealership office for the ride back home, I looked at it one last time. A lone car under the afternoon sun, in the customer parking lot. I said goodbye to it, and felt very sad. That's when I realized this car had been "mine" and mine only, for the past two years. I didn't know saying goodbye to something you own can feel this way, because I didn't think I had owned anything by myself prior to the divorce. The Mazda was the first and the only thing that I decided to own(lease) and then say goodbye to.

Everything else, the previous cars, the house and whatnot, had been owned by me but for some reason, didn't feel like mine and therefore when I needed to part with them, it was easy. No sad feelings. I think because I didn't make the decision to acquire them in the first place, I never felt they were mine.

But Mazda was different. I made the sole decision to lease it, and I was the only one driving it and taking care of it. I made sure it was clean on the inside and I made sure it smelled certain ways and I decided on what kind of liquid to use when I washed it. I felt 100% ownership. I was fully responsible for it. It was MINE.

When I look back at my life, I see images, caught in time, like pictures in the album of my memory. Today, Mazda in empty parking lot was added to that album.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Modern Eden

"So he said,'I hard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.'" -- Gen: 3:10.

God said, "Where are you?" Adam said, "...because..." He didn't answer God's question; he was rationalizing his behavior. He comes out from his hiding, facing God, knowing all too well what has happened, and must be feeling too guilty (to God) and shameful (feeling he must have toward his own "nakedness") to say, "Here I am, my Lord." I suspect we need to have a clean conscience to stand before God and just answer him. If we feel the need to explain ourself, it must at least involve guilt and shame. I think we do this when we interact with people, too. When we feel we can't just give an easy and straight forward answer to a simple question, there must be something going on internally that we are unaware of. "Where are you?" and "Why are you hiding?" are different questions, and when Adam heard the "where" question, what he really heard was "Why are you hiding?" Don't we do that oftentimes too?

"What time is the concert?" "I am almost ready!!"

"Is that a new dress?" "I did NOT use your money."

"Has our son eaten yet?" "Why do you think it's my duty to feed him?? You can do that too!!"

"Have you cleaned your room yet?" "Do you not know I have millions of other important things to do?"

And our answers help blind our understanding of ourselves. Out of touch with our own feelings.

God is a good therapist. "Who told you...?" oftentimes, we are the ones who tell us all sorts of things about ourselves. Some incorrect. I believe God wants to help us see when we have disobeyed him, but what we see is our imperfection and how bad we feel about ourselves (naked-- all exposed...) and that we should hide even from... God, instead of coming to Him and confess and seek redemption.

What a interesting dialogue. By calling it interesting, by no way am I discounting, diluting, minimizing the grave nature of Adam's sin, and certainly not being amused by this tragic event. I find it interesting because in a way, they understood each other very well. Or I should say, God sees Adam and his motivation so very well and how He was trying to help Adam come to Him so He can remedy his wrongdoing. And I see how Adam knew where God was going with His questions, but decided to get busy with defending himself. God wasted no time when he saw this, and confronted Adam with the real question; "Have you eaten...?" It was like saying to Adam, "I know you have eaten..." not a question really, and Adam blames Eve. So typical of humans. Instead of admitting and repenting for our own behaviors, we look for someone to blame.

Alas, what happened so long ago in the Garden, I see its rerun everyday in my counseling office, and even in myself. Have mercy on us, Lord...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy (8)

Tie a yellow ribbon on the old oak tree...

But no, I am not talking about yellow ribbons but yellow roses for Mother's Day!

I came home yesterday, and saw yellow shadow on my porch. Upon driving up and getting a better look, I realized they were flowers in a vase. Turned out it was from my dear daughters! I read the message over and over again and could not believe after the pizza stone they ordered me for my birthday, they got me gift for Mother's Day too! Getting two gifts in less than two weeks for birthday AND Mother's Day feels really nice! And they remembered I loved yellow roses!

That made me VERY happy!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kabocha Bread

昨天是很忙的一天。買了車、又回來處理一些頭痛問題。曾一度覺得life is falling apart. 不曉得是天氣熱的緣故、或者是超壓的結果、也許兩者都有。臉上發熱、胸口發緊、頭發脹。買車的歡喜都不見了。沒感覺。像我的許多clients、問他們對一些事的感受、很多時候他們都告訴我、沒感覺。我想在超壓的情況下、我們的生理狀態和優先考慮、是生存、而不是體會感受。

我卻選擇在昨天做這個南瓜麵包。一面做、一面質疑自己決定。第一次嚐試用攪拌機做麵包、也不是麵包機、像食譜主人的建議、也不是我自己的老法子--用手揉、而時折衷的用攪拌機中的和麵功能來作。食譜建議的做法過程又複雜、材料也講究。是費時費工的麵包食譜。我一面想、只有瘋子才在這麼煩又累的一天裡、來作一個又麻煩又沒做過的麵包。但是、想做的念頭既然已經有種子、又萌了牙、不讓它長成成品好像也不行、就這樣、一直做到晚上。恰巧晚上看我的"24"電視影集、又是緊張到不行。中間廣告時間還去check烤箱溫度、放麵包進去、在等廣告時間、再去檢查。但是、等麵包出爐的那一刹那、所有的緊張、壓力、辛苦、都一掃而空。臨睡前、還忍不住切了一片來嚐。鑽進被窩、看看小說、聽著風鈴的聲音、看不到兩頁、已經被瞌睡蟲爬滿眼睛。Life is falling apart的感覺不復存在。我竟然可以說、“Life is good!"

Baking 的魅力如此。

Monday, May 3, 2010

Where to Find A Good Friend?

I wish when I tell you something that bugs me, you could listen and listen well.

That means you don't judge me. Please don't say things like, "How could you have done that?" or worse, "How dumb!" "You are crazy!" and worst of all, "I told you."

I know you know more than I do. I know you want the best for me. (From your point of view, though.) I know you hate to see me hurt. I know you want to save me from headaches and heartaches. I know you want me to be tough so you don't have to feel sorry for me. I know you think you are doing the right thing as a good friend. What you don't know is, you are not living my life, and you can not be responsible for the consequences that I will have to face.

I know when you hear me talk about stuff that bugs me, you will have all sorts of thoughts and feelings. But this moment is not about you. This moment is also not about proving yourself to be the right one. This moment is not about what YOU want to say, to hear, to do, or to want to see happen. It's about me wanting to tell someone something. That simple.

You maybe wiser, and you may be logically right. Or you simply are right. But that does not change the fact you are not the owner of the problem. And you have no right to make other people's decisions for them.

I am not saying you can't say what is "right." But then, what is "right?" I can sense it when you just want to push your own agenda and impose yourself on me. If you want to prove to me I am wrong and you are right, you will probably win the debate, but in the end, proving yourself right can cost you our friendship. Would you still want that? I can say to you, "yes, you are right, after all. And I am wrong. " in the end, but I may also decide never to tell you things about me any more.

To listen well is a process of denying the self. In order to listen to well, we need to suspend all our thoughts, withhold judgements, and govern our emotions so we don't project them onto our venting friend. We need to give the person total respect, and trust that they have all the resources within themselves to decide for themselves. Even if they don't, but as long as they think they do, we should refrain from jumping the gun and encourage the person and empower him/her to solve her own problems. Even if your friend begs for your advices, we need to be careful in giving out advices regarding someone else's life. You will know if they truly want your input and if you don't know, you are not a good friend in the first place. All the more reason for you to say nothing and just listen. See how much you can learn about your friend by listening and listening to understand, not listening to find where the pause is so you can take over and show off how well you know about your friend's predicament, and how rich your resources are and use that time to feel good about yourself and feel important and useful.

Too often, we think we know. Too often when we tell a friend in suffering the should's and shouln't's in their lives, we feel morally superior. Too often, we think we are God and can judge. Knowing right from wrong is not the same as judging. I need a friend who understands the difference.

Speaking the truth in love. We are to speak the truth as God's children. Sometimes we pay a price for speaking the truth. But when it comes to your friend's maladies, understanding, respect, mercy, hope and readiness to lay down your life for your friend, lay the pathway for truth to come forth.

No wonder I find no friend anywhere like that. I only find such friend in Jesus. And there is only one Jesus. How can I not love Him and need Him?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy (7)

I have two of them now.

Those tiny dainty girly shimmering whining ones are not my type. I love baritone wind chimes. French horn kind of sound they make. The four of us, Marble, Yoko, Beau and me, spend most evenings at my desk(Beau at my foot, of couse; too big for desk, duh...), with the laptop either on or off, with a cup of some, usually sweetened, (alas!) drink, (these days it's honey lemon tea my friend Nicole gave me,) and we listen to the wind chimes. Its sound takes us (me, I don't know about them.) to a faraway place and I just praise the Lord for peaceful time like this.

A few days ago, we had rain. And it was breezy too. So it was pitter-patter plus dong dong dong. I was in heaven. :-) If I can feel this elated, imagine how my heart would burst with joy when I get to the real heaven! And it won't be just one night, but for eternity. Beyond all measures... incomprehensible...

Jim Sjveda on KUSC last night was playing Mozart's piano concerto No. 21, in C major, for the May pledge drive. He said when listening to great music like this, it is really hard to think that we are only what the Darwinians say we are. Not a Christian himself, he said something like, "are you telling me this is all there is? (referring to how the evolutionists say we are as a specie.) There's got to be more than this..."

Halellujah! I know this is not it. There is more-- in Christ!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy (6)

Like my attitude with a lot of other things in life, I have been thinking, researching, contemplating, considering, planning and finally, making this no-knead bread. And it was a success! It made me really happy.

I made it once before, but that time I wasn't really prepared to make it well. Sort of just read the recipe through, and okay, I can do this and let me do it... now. What was missing last time I had this time, and I think that made the difference. It was the element of -- time.

It took 24 hours this time, as compared to, maybe just half a day last time. I rushed into it last time, but I was fully prepared this time. Viola! The wait paid off.

The recipe says you don't need to knead it, but you need to give it time to rise and let Time do the work.

Like a lot of other things in life, instant anything usually only gives temporary satisfaction. And of less value. Instant oatmeal is less nutritious. Instant coffee leaves a bad after taste. Love at first sight rarely lasts. Quick money is gone quickly too. Crash diet doesn't change lifestyle and the pounds creep back faster than you could imagine. Intimacy with God doesn't happen overnight. Parent-child relationship takes time to deepen.

I was willing to devote 24 hours of my time to have this bread, the wait actually felt good because I was hopeful.

Anticipating Jesus' return, am I not also hopeful and do I not also find the wait worthwhile?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Feeling Rich in the Face of Mortality

Birthday is coming up. Had a good scare the other day, thinking about the years in the past and how many more in the future? Every day is a day closer to the end. There is no way around it. No escape. I get this kind of scare once in a while. I think it's a good thing because being reminded of my mortality humbles me.

And then this morning over breakfast, (it seems good thoughts come to me during breakfast time often, while sad thoughts and self-pity frequent me more at night.) I felt my heart swell with the feeling of being "rich." To me, that means there are so many good things awaiting in the immediate future.

Good books I want to read, for one thing. On my list is a re-read of C.S. Lewis' "Surprised by Joy," and a new novel "Matterhorn...(something subtitle) about the Vietnam war. I felt like a ballon, full of hidrogen, and about to fly away at the thought of reading these books, that I had to tell myself to finish breakfast first before I jumped up and turned on my laptop to order these books. This much self-control I had learned. It wasn't always like this before.

A quiet night by myself, for another thing. My house is a place of respite for me. With my dog and cats, garden and angel, and Le Creuset/All-Clad/Viking range in the kitchen, the bedspread, the candle, all smelling right, and the wind chimes outside my desk window, and KUSC and its lovely D.J's... It was still early in the morning, but the thought of coming home in the evening, excited me.

Learning how to be a better gardener, for yet another thing, and the vast knowledge of gardening available online, makes me look for a time in the week when I can sit down and browse. And I feel rich knowing it's there. The excitement is there. The possibility is there.

And those recipes! I have so many that I want to try. I will never be bored! That makes me feel rich. Strange... I have dug out Deborah Madison's vegetarian cookbooks and started thinking about eating less meat. That's another possibility.

So scared of dying, yet so excited about living. Counting my days on earth, I don't feel I am having less of anything as days go by, but I am having more with each new day. What would you call this, if not blessing?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy (5)

My angel came yesterday!

I have been wanting to get a bird bath for my back garden and been looking here and there, including, of course, online at Originally, the idea was just to have running water in the backyard. Since the backyard does not have outdoor power outlet, my options were limited to solar powered ones. But then I worried about the solar panel not working properly and the water would just sit there. After much searching and thinking over, one day I ran into this (online) angel.

She holds a water bowl and it lights up at night (solar powered after all... ) and gives her upper body a faint glow of blue.

It cost me $160+ including S/H!!

That's me, though. And my visual instinct. (I suspect i am most like my dad in this, and I am proud to be his daughter. When I think of him even now, I am always filled with fond memories.)

Some people may say, "oh... it's only 23" tall??" but I'd say, "but I love it!"

I looked at it again this morning, and I was really happy I bought it! It's not tall, but my garden is not big either. The water bowl is small, but what do you expect, the angel herself is only 23" tall!

Now all I need is for the neighborhood birds to find it!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy (4)

早上遛完狗到院子愰一圈。愰著愰著就開始澆花。心裡想、完了。本來是要去運動的、花一澆下去、“強迫症“就會被引發、不澆完不會停、澆完就太晚、就不會去運動了。我身體裡這根神經自己很清楚、每當它被觸及的時候我也知道、引子一旦點燃、就順著引線一直燒、不燒到頭不能停。真奇怪。I am so aware of this internal activity, and I don't like it, but for the most part, I let it take charge of me. Awareness doesn't necessarily bring about change. Something more powerful is at work here. 追根究底、I think it's because I don't value going to the gym more than I value the time I spend, watering my flowers. Well, that's understandable though. The gym means hard work, sweat and 麻煩(maybe i am really really lazy because the only 麻煩is parking/locking the car and walking up to the gym. what 麻煩 is there??) but watering the flowers means pleasure... and pleasure and... pleasure.

My day doesn't start until I am done showering, and this morning, like all mornings, I decided to take care of 煩人的事first before I shower. That took a whole morning. Lunch was supposed to be at noon. I am very regular and pride myself with it. Besides, 肚子就是在十二點的時候會餓、it's not that I have to have lunch at noon. (Sounds like I was debating with someone.) 煩人的事took so much of my time!

As I sat down to have lunch, i was surprised by the butter I deliberately left on the table the day before (but forgot) and now was at room temperature. Butter knife cut through it with no resistance at all! I LOVE room temperature butter! I was too cheap and for more than once at Sur La Table, wanted to but didn't buy this little butter thingie that claims to keep butter soft. I thought of it again today. Maybe I will just buy it next time. If you value something, but don't spend time, or money on it, you are lying. I believe in that. Or I thought I did.

Room temperature butter!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Learning to Have A Voice

The funny thing was: as soon as I typed out the title for today's entry, I thought I heard reprimands from my Christian brothers and sisters. And it went like this: "why do you even want a voice?" "Deny yourself and bear your cross!" "why is it so important to have your voice?" So it was like the first response I thought I was going to get, if I ever shared this with anyone, was judgement, instead of understanding. Isn't that... weird?

I have been reading 鱷魚的黃眼睛。女主角很像我。離婚之前和之後、都只會在別人給她的文件上簽字。

以前、我簽字因為我信任。而且無法跟上同伴的腳步、也不適應他處理事情的方式。與其糾纏、我選擇照簽、因為我只有如此多的時間和精力、覺得授權給人全權處理是對的態度。何況男主外女主內的觀念、根深蒂固在我心裡、我也認同這樣的合作關係、so much so that if my daughters decide to live by this value, I would encourage them. I thought that was very Biblical. I still do. 在二十一世紀講這個、我是politically incorrect的不得了、也許有人會認為我太落伍、或什麼的、但是我就是這樣。由於這個指導原則瀰漫在我生活中、I lived by it. At the time, it was very "me" to do that.

以後、我簽字因為我想維持好關係。也實在不願意花精神在我一向不看重、但是卻很重要的、錢、的事上。again, it is very "me."

我有時一不小心、就會落入kicking myself的misery裡面。責怪自己、恨自己不為自己說什麼、即使有時心中不平、或有疑惑、或實在不贊同。落井下石自己、“活該“ 但那是一種很不好的感受。我不認為愛我的神想看到我如此。



印象中的自己、好像都是十二歲。剪著短髮、留著瀏海。都是媽媽的想法。眼神中流露的是對周遭事物剛萌芽的理解、或不理解。困惑吧。善良、卻被人欺負的莫名奇妙也在我眼裡可以看到。而且無人保護。所以也有哀傷。那時後已經愛想、進入青春期、懵懂中開始好奇做個女人是怎麼回事。大概也要乖吧。乖的人是很好處理的、you know, because she doesn't have a voice.


Friday, April 2, 2010


(Chinglish blog is a blog still...)

前天去參加一個一天的conference to hear Marsha Linehan talk about "Dialectic Behavioral Therapy and training skills" at UCLA. In a room of about 350 mental health professionals, I counted only a handful of Asian looking people, all women. I ran into a few of them in the lady's room and realized they were all American born, judging by their accent free English. I wonder if that's why no one talked to me, or maybe it's because I wore the face that said "I don't want to talk," and that was really how I felt -- I was there to take in, and I didn't want to talk. Someone at my table tried talking to me by asking me about my agency. After hearing the words "Christian counseling," they politely said, "Cool..." and the conversation stopped. I had a feeling if I had said I was a Zen counselor, they would have been more interested. And we just finished hearing Dr. Linehan talk about "acceptance." Sigh...

Dr. Linehan had us do an exercise on "observe" as part of practicing to be "mindful." She said we could choose anything we had and just look at the thing and pay attention and notice everything about it. Take an interest in it. Observe it. Just take in information and be curious. I thought about what Jesus said about, "要像小孩子的樣式“和進天國。我手上拿的是一支原子筆。端詳了半天。你會想、一支筆友什麼好看。老師還說、拿起來聞聞也可以。我忽然想到、小孩子就是這樣。看看、聞聞、甚至還咬咬。一隻筆可以玩上半天。看了又看。覺得挺新鮮。從來沒見過。不但好奇、還很開心。C.S. Lewis也說、謙卑的人就是對別人有好奇心的人。難怪耶穌說進天國的人都是如此。當我們見多了、我們就不再覺得新鮮、驕傲就慢慢的爬到我們心裡:這有什麼了不起、我看多了。甚至屬神的事情、我們都以為自己懂得了、說“還不就是這麼回事。“ 於是我們不再興奮、不再帶勁、不再想知道。


宜箴打電話來。“媽媽、 I just have to call you. I saw this... puppy, 用力地跑去追主人丟的球。so cute..." 一件簡單的事、狗追球、帶給狗、狗主人、宜箴和我、極大的歡愉。

我想、當我們像像孩子一樣為一件單純的事開心、又“用力地跑“ 的時候、我們的主該是開心的看著我們取悅祂。而其他的基督徒、就好比旁觀的宜箴和旁聽的我吧、也會感到無比的joyful 吧。這個用力跑的歡愉、不光是來自於討好主人、而更是在於對這個用力跑的狗狗、追球這件事本身就是充滿刺激、幾乎是本能裡必須要做的事。我希望能像這隻小狗追球一樣、追求神國度的事。


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Big Head and A Fun Day

I think I really think too much! But I really also like this part of me. And because I know the first sentence really should read as, "People say I think too much." but the second sentence comes from me, I would say... truth be told, I really like this part of me! And THAT'S why I have not changed. See, that's the big head talking.

My day started at 5:40 this morning. Kind of feeling crazy for getting up when it was still dark and walking Beau when the whole world was still sleeping. I almost though I could hear my neighbors breathe in their sleep. As I turn at the corner, I ran into my neighbor Ruben. (So I guess the whole world was not sleeping!) And his two dogs. One great Dane and bulldog mix, (i think) called Tyson, (that name makes me want to laugh... Isn't Tyson some brand of chicken? I know some boxer also named Tyson, but chicken was my first reaction when I was first introduced to him.) The other one is a tiny bichon mix. Both of them had their T-shirt on. Ruben said, "They just woke up, and I don't want them to feel cold." We said bye and went our separate ways. I felt like laughing. Dogs... just woke up... T-shirt to keep warm... somehow, the idea of Tyson and little sister "waking up early" was comical. They are dogs. "Just woke up" is to describe humans. That reminded me of my old neighbor, who told me, "If you want to visit B, you need to wait cuz she is taking a nap." A dog taking a nap? Maybe B has afternoon tea too!

I needed to meet with someone this morning, and as I was driving, I realized I had already "written" numerous research papers about this person in my head. At the time, the papers felt like evidences that lead to a conclusion that this person stands no chance to be rehabilitated. And I felt awful. Almost did not want to continue the drive. Now, some 10 hours later now, I don't even remember my "papers" but had a fun day with myself instead. Interesting internal landscaping that is a totally different reality from the outside world. Had I made decisions based on that "landscaping" I would surely have ruined my day. Thankfully, I didn't not let my big head take charge today. I have learned to be patient with myself. Went to a nursery called "Eden" to cool off and had a heavenly time with myself, picking up some 1-gallon lavender and seeds to grow.

Failed tonight's session according to myself. Said a prayer for myself, asking the Spirit to cover me.

Time to go to bed and let my big head rest.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy (3)

Line dry my clothes (I made sure the image was decent so you can look.) on a beautiful California early Spring day. That makes me happy.

To make room for the new garden, and so that I and my sometimes guests can have a better view of my small yard, I had Pablo remove the octopus like clothes rack/hanger/lines thingy in the middle of the backyard. With that gone, I "designed" my own clothes drying apparatus. :-) I used an old curtain rod and let it rest on the fence on one side, and my patio post on the other. I was quite proud of myself for this humble invention.

Voila! My colorful bathroom mat should be the focal point. Other clothing items play supporting roles. :-) I am looking forward to dusk when I can bring them down and smell the sun and feel the cleanness in them. Both the Before and After (of drying them outdoor) brings great joy.

Do you know how to "smell" the sun?

Praise the Lord for the 5 senses! It's really fun to mix them up too, and enjoy the... cross-breed? Like to draw the music you hear, to smell the food you see in a cook book, and to feel the warmth of an imaginary kiss from your daughter?

Things That Make Me Happy (2)

I bought this from Taiwan.

The little flame brings me to far away places of mystery and dream. That's me.

I was quite surprised at the aroma the sunflower elixir gives out. I would drop 5 to 6 drops into the shallow dish, filled with water, and let it burn slowly. My whole room would smell very soft. I think it's quite amazing how a room can smell "soft"; a textile descriptive. But that's what I smell. :-)

In order to light the tea candle, I had to learn how to use a cigarette lighter. In the beginning, I would have sore and swollen thumb caused by futile attempts to roll the tiny wheel on top to ignite. I would switch to my left hand and wished I had been ambidexterous and because I am not, left thumb was no us at all. Now I am better at it, I can make the lighter work in a few tries, but am still learning how to hold the lighter at such an angle that it lights the candle, and not my thumb!

Quite amazed this little thing can bring me such joy.

Thought at Midnight

When a divorced Christian talks about the sanctity of marriage and the kind of sacrificial love that couples need to give each other for their marriage to work, among other important things, how is she/he perceived? A hypocrite? Someone who makes others want to puke?

When someone who has had an abortion talks about the sanctity of life and calls herself pro-life, is she contradicting herself?

When someone who is abused and who severs the abusive relationship talks about love is a choice, should we despise her, because she doesn't practice what she preaches?

Lord, have mercy.

Life is full of tough choices for most people. Only in his mercy do we grow stronger. I need that mercy for myself, and I pray that he grant me the mercy for others who falter.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy (I)

I am no Maria, but there are things, small things, that make me happy.

Like these roses in my young garden. I had Pablo plant them 3 weeks ago, and they are already giving me roses. I toured (the word "tour" makes it sound like I had a big garden. It is not big at all, only about 6' x 6'. I didn't want to use "patrol" because that somehow reminds me of the police. Way too serious.) my garden this morning, as always, after coming back from walk with Beau, and saw these roses.

They made me very happy!

Praise the Lord!